Smart, Simple, Secured Authentication

Across All

Users, Apps, and Devices!

A hassle-free access experience with Skillmine Auth! No more authentication chaos! You can effortlessly integrate authentication across enterprise, partner, and social applications.

Why Opt for Skillmine


Auth is proven to be a go-to solution for all your organization’s authentication and authorization needs.
It redefines security with robust measures like:

Multiple Logins

Auth can effortlessly accommodate a multitude of login methods across all the platforms.

Multiple Applications

Auth can integrate with diverse applications within a multi-cloud environment, enhancing flexibility.

Multiple Protocols

Auth can seamlessly navigate diverse authentication and authorization protocols available.

Accessibility & Privacy Comes Hand-in-Hand

Auth empowers users to access modern applications from various digital entry points like mobile, web, IoT devices, or public kiosks through its advanced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) technology. It also continuously adheres to strict data protection guidelines tailored to different regions, including GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO.

Easy AuthN and AuthZ

Auth optimizes and simplifies access management across a diverse array of applications within an organization. By serving as a centralized authentication hub, Auth consolidates the user login process, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for individuals accessing various platforms. This not only enhances user convenience but also fortifies the overall security posture. The centralized approach facilitates efficient control and monitoring of user access, streamlining administrative tasks and minimizing potential vulnerabilities.

Real-time Insights

Auth empowers organizations through its Access Event Logging and Analytics feature, offering a sophisticated solution for tracking and analyzing user interactions. It not only enhances security measures by providing a comprehensive log of access events but also leverages data-driven insights to enhance the organization’s overall defense against potential threats.

Pay Your Way

Auth provides a seamless and versatile integration experience by supporting multiple payment gateways, such as PayTM, CCAvenue, PayPal, Stripe, RazorPay, and BillDesk. This broad compatibility not only caters to diverse user preferences but also enhances the flexibility of financial transactions within the system. By effortlessly integrating with these renowned payment gateways, Auth fosters a convenient and inclusive financial ecosystem. 

Double Down on Security

Auth elevates security standards by seamlessly facilitating the implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO), providing a robust defense mechanism while ensuring user convenience. With MFA, an extra security layer is added which helps in mitigating the risk of unauthorized access. Simultaneously, the Single Sign-On feature streamlines the user experience by allowing access to multiple systems with a single set of credentials.

Enhance KYC Efficiency

Auth’s advanced Know Your Customer (KYC) capabilities is seamlessly integrated to simplify API communication. Auth not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also facilitates a streamlined and efficient KYC process. This enables organizations to verify user identities swiftly and accurately. It also enhances security and improves the overall user experience.

Gain Maximum Control

Auth stands as a centralized powerhouse, offering organizations an intuitive platform to effortlessly oversee access policies, user privileges, and security protocols. With a user-friendly interface, organizations can efficiently manage and tailor access permissions, ensuring that the right individuals have the appropriate levels of authorization. This centralized approach not only streamlines administrative tasks but also enhances security.

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